Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 5, 2022


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History of Song: Biography of Meng Gong in Vietnamese

History of Song: Biography of Du Gao

 History of Song chapter 412: Biography of Meng Gong (宋史孟珙傳卷412)


Meng Gong, style Pu Yu, was a native of Caoyang, Suizhou. His great-great-grand father (four generations earlier counting from his father) used to enlist in the army of Yue Fei and achieved some merits. In Jiading 10 (Feb/8/1217 đến Jan/27/1218), the Jin army encroached Xiangyang, they camped in mountain of Tuan (團山). At that time, his father Meng Zongzheng (宗政) was a general under the command of Zhao Fang (趙方), he led his troops to defend that place. Meng Gong predicted that the enemy had some intention on Fancheng (樊城). He offered a stratagem to his father Zongzheng: to cross the river from the port Luojia (羅家). Zongzheng thought that this was the right move. After several days, the whole army formed formation on the opposite bank, the Jin army arrived as predicted. Half-way crossing the river, they were ambushed and half of them lost their lives. Zongzheng was ordered by the emperor to reinforce Caoyang. Right at the moment when they engaged in battles, the father and son lost each other. Meng Gong saw that among the enemy cavalry, there was a man who dressed in white robe and rode a white horse, he said: "That is my father!" He hurriedly ordered his cavalry to furiously engaged in battle, and as such, his father Zongzheng was able to escape. For his achievement he was appointed to be the Second-in-command of the Courageously Advance Army


In Jiading 12 (Jan/18/1219 đến Feb/5/1220), Wanyan Eke (完顏訛可) had 200,000 cavalry and infantry splitting into two roads to invade Caoyang. They surrounded the city and were below the walls. Meng Gong ascended on top of the wall and shot them, his men was flabbergasted and admired him. Meng Zongzheng ordered Gong to find a different rout to attack the Jin. He annihilated 18 camps, decapitated more than a thousand enemy's head, as well as captured a large quantity of military equipments before he returned. The Jin fled afterwards. For his success, he was promoted to be (?)


In Jiading 14 (Jan/25/1221 đến Feb/12/1222), Meng Gong met and bowed to the Military Commissioner (制置使) Zhao Fang (趙方). At first sight, Fang could tell there was something extraordinary about him. He was appointed to be the Commander of Guanghua, then was transferred and promoted to be Wujin (進武) Commandant. In Jiading 16, he must attend the funeral of his father. The Military Commissioner Zhao Fang wished to employ him in his service, but Meng Gong (politely) refused. Zhao Fang then suggested that after the funeral mourning period ended, Gong should immediately assumed his duty, yet Gong once again declined. He was transferred to be (?). When the emperor Song Lizong (理宗) was enthroned, he was especially entrusted to be (?). Not long after this, he was appointed to be the Supervisor of Militia of Xiazhou (峽州), while also served as Executive Police Chief of the City. Then he was appointed to be the Military Governor of the Command Headquarter of Jinghu, Commander-in-Chief of the Tiger Wings Cavalry Army. He was then promoted to be the Fifth-Ranking Vice General of Jingxi, temporarily served as the Commandant of the Left and Right Wing of the Shenjing Army.


Previously, Meng Zongzheng recruited more than 20,000 strong men from Tangzhou (), Dengzhou () and Saizhou (蔡). He called them the Loyal and Obedient Army (忠順軍). Jiang Hai was ordered to command them, but they were unruly. The Headquarter of Military Commissioner then led Meng Gong to replace Jiang Hai. Gong divided this army into three groups and they willingly followed his arrangement. In Shaoding 1, Meng Gong suggested establishing Pingyan (平堰() in Caoyang to the Military Commissioner Zhao Fang, running 18 li from the city to the military headquarter, from the Ba Die river (八疊) through the bank of Jian Shui (漸水). The water flows through nine mountains. They should build a "connecting to heaven" canal that was 83 zhang in width to irrigate 100,000 mu of farmland. They should establish 10 estates and three he, then the soldiers and civilians divided lands to till the field. That year, they were able to harvest 150,000 shi of food. The family of the Loyal and Obedient Army was ordered to raise horses themselves while officials would provide fodders. Horses increased in great number. In Shaoding 2 (Feb/8/1228 đến Jan/26/1229), Meng Gong was promoted to be the Fifth-Rank General, Commander of Caoyang Army. The Caoyang army stationed where the Loyal and Obedient Army was. The next year (Jan/16/1230 đến Feb/3/1231), he was appointed to be the Military Director in Chief of Jingxi. He had to attend the funeral of his mother as she passed away. He was then latter appointed to be the Military Administrator of Infantry and Cavalry of Jingxi, Caoyang Army Detached from Caoyang. He then assumed control of the three Loyal and Obedient Army as before.

() The name suggestes that this is a dike. 平 means to FLAT where as 堰 means a dike.


In Shaoding 6, the general of the Great Yuan (Mongols) Nayan Benzhan () pursued the emperor of Jin Wanyan Shouxu (Jin Aizong) and approached Caizhou (). Meng Gong was ordered to defend Ezhou () and attack the Branch Secretariat of Tangzhou () and Dengzhou () of Jin named Wu Xian (武仙). At the time, Wu Xian, together with Wu Tianxi (武天錫) and the defender of Dengzhou () Yila Yuan formed a pincer attack on Song. They all wanted to defend Jin to their last breath. Their intention was to take Shouxu to Shu (Sichuan). As such, they encroached Guanghua (光化), their vanguard was very powerful. Wu Tianxi was originally a peasant of Dengzhou. He gathered 200,000 men during the chaotic time and became a threat to the border security (of Song dynasty). Gong approached his fortification and within just one sound of drums he was able to take it. The brave soldier Zhang Ziliang cut off Yang Tianxi's head and submitted to Meng Gong. In this battle, Gong was able to take 5000 heads, captured more than 400 generals and soldiers, together with 120,020 families. As such, he was promoted to be Vice Supreme Commandant of Jiangling and was bestowed a golden belt.


The Headquarter of Military Comissioner (制置司) asked Gong about matters pertaining to border security, Gong replied that: "If the Jin attacked Lü Yan (呂堰), then our 8000 troops was a not small force, but we need to subject the three forts Mu Zha (木查), Teng Yun (騰雲) and Lü Yan to tight control so that they could come to assist each other." Not long after this, the subordinate commanders Liu Quan (劉全) and Lei Quwei (雷去危) fought with the Jin on the Xiajia bridge (夏家橋) and achieved a small victory. Then after this, the Jin army encroached Lü Yan, Meng Gong was happy and said: "My plan has worked out!" He immediately ordered the whole army to pursue and attack Lü Yan fort. Forward, they advanced to approach the great river. Backward, they retreated to get close to the rugged mountains. The army of all four forts joined force together. The Jin army abandoned their baggage trains and escaped. The Song army captured 52 armoured men, cut off 3000 heads, as well as more than 10,00 horses, cows and camels. Slightly more than 32,000 familes were returned. Yila Yuan ordered his subordinate Ma Tianzhang (馬天章) to submit a message expressing his wish to surrender. The Song was able to capture 5 counties, 22 towns, 193 officials, 1500 cavalrymen, 14,000 infantrymen, 35,300 families, 125,553 people. Gong entered the city, Yila Yuan bowed down to the steps and asked to be execute. Gong, however, let him change his cloth and treated him as a guest.


Before this, Wu Xian stationed his army in Shunyang (順陽) and was harassed by the Song army. He thus retreated to Madeng (馬蹬). The District Magistrate of Jin named Li Ying surrendered his district, the Military Commissioner Zhang Lin also brought his prefecture to the Song. Meng Gong said: "Regarding those who have come to surrender and submit, we should return their lands to them so that they can till the field. We should let them elect their leaders among themselves. Those who are young but strong should be registered to be subjected to military duties, thus making it possible for them to self-sustain and defend themselves. Those who show talents should be assigned a plot of land and appointed them to be officials. Each of them would then recruit their own followers so that the power of those who newly come to submit would diminish." The Headquarter of Military Comissioners approved Meng Gong's opinion. In the seventh month, jiyou, Wu Xian's favourite general Liu Yi (劉儀) headed a group of 200 strong men coming to surrender. Meng Gong asked him about the actual situation of Wu Xian's army. Liu Yi said: "Wu Xian occupied nine forts. The greatest fort was called Shixue Shan (石穴山). This fort relied on three smaller forts Madeng (馬蹬), Shawo (沙窩), Hushan (岵山) to guard its front. If these three forts are not taken, then  Shixue Shan great fort could not be easily assaulted. If we first take Lijin (離金) fort, then Wangzishan (王子山) would also fall into our hands. Once that is done, then the three forts Madeng, Shawo and Hushan could also be easily capture. The next day, Meng Gong ordered his troops to attack Lijin fort, their commanders Lu Xiu held the black banner to lead them into the fort. The Jin troops did not suspect that they were Song soldiers. They divided their forces to occupy the roadways and shouted loudly while setting fire to the fort. They killed almost everyone by surprise. That night, the strong man Yang Qing (楊青) harrassed Wangzishan fort. Those who guarded the fort were in deep sleep. Wang Jian (王建) entered their tents and cut off the head of the Jin general and put it in a bag. When the sun rises, he peek at it and realized that that was the head of a Vice Marshal.


Bingchen, the army of Meng Gong approached Madeng fort. Gong ordered Fan Wenbin (樊文彬) to attack its front gate,  Cheng Ming (成明) cut off the western path. An army was responsible for surrounding Qishilie (訖石烈) fort, another army was tasked with surrounding Xiaozongshi (小總帥) fort, fire brightened up the sky, enemy's bodies piled up like mountain. Those who fled fell into the ambush set up by Cheng Ming and were captured. 12,300 strong men came to surrender. The army returned and encountered the enemy in the west of Shawo fort. They scored a great victory. On that day, the army engaged three times and won all three. Not long after this, Ding Shun  (丁順) captured Mohouli (默候里) fort. Meng Gong asked Liu Yi to come to ask: "This fort was now captured. Upon learning this, those in Banqiao (板橋) and Shixueshan fort would be deeply shaken, could you came there and called them to surrender on my behalf?" Liu Yi responded: "Jin De (晉德) and Huatui Wangxian (花腿王顯) were all acquaintances of the the Prison Guard An Wei (安威) of Jin. If these two came to ask for surrender, then An Wei would certainly come." Meng Gong asked Jin De to go first. Liu Yi then asked Gong to select 300 women to pretend to go back to surrender, carrying with them an announcement that calls for surrender. Meng Gong approved Liu Yi's suggestion. An Wei, upon meeting Jian De, was very happy and expressed his friendliness. An Wei introduced Jian De to Huatui Wangxian, Wangxian immediately wrote a letter of submission on that day. Jin De asked Meng Gong to let Liu Yi to meet Wangxian. Troops under Wangxian's command numbered some 5000, they had not submitted (literally put down their armours). Meng Gong ordered his men to form kaolao formation. He entered the formation, looking around for a while, and the left. He looks to be pleased as usual. Meng Gong set up a banquet with wind and and let the men of Wangxian to be both drunk and full, while letting them dancing and singing. Meng Gong predicted that Wu Xian might ascend the top of mount Huxian and stealthily scouted around. He ordered Fan Wenbin to capture that mountain top in the early morning of the next day and stationed his troops there. Wenbin set up an ambush in the front while cut off the retreat rout in the back. Not long after this, Wu Xian's troops ascended the moutain as expected. Waiting until they were half-way up on the mountain, Wenbin waved his flags and his soldiers rise up from all sides, Wu Xian's men were totally panic, their bodies piled up on each other on the mountain, dyeing it red with their blood. killing their general Wusha Re (兀沙惹), capturing 730 men. Their armours were thrown down like mountain. At sunset, Meng Gong ordered his army to advance to the Xiaoshui river (小水河). Liu Yi came back and reported that Wu Xian was not willing to surrender. He intended to arrive at Shangzhou (商州) and using the difficult terrain there to defend himself. Yet, those who were old or young were not willing to run to the north. Meng Gong said: "We could not afford to delay, march on!" In middle of the night, at ten ke (Chinese way of counting hours), Meng Gong summoned Fan Wenbin and informed him of the general strategy. The next day, they attacked Shixueshan fort and nine other forts. Bingchen, Gong's troops were allowed to eat breakfast at a very early hour, and they arrived at Shixueshan fort early in the morning. At that time, rain kept pouring non-stop, Fan Wenbin was worried about this. Meng Gong said: "This snowing night was the opportunity to capture Wu Yuanji (吳元濟) ()." He whipped his horse and rode to Shixueshan. He divided his army and assaulting the fort, Fan Wenbin was tasked with supporting the main army. They ferociously engaged in battle from yin (from 3 to 5am) till si (from 9am to 11am). All nine forts were captured at the same time. Wu Xian fled. Gong's army pursued them to Nianyu (鯰魚) fort. Wu Xian observed around, changed his attires and then fled. Two sides fought again in the Yinhulu mountain (銀葫蘆山, literally Silver Gourd Mountain), Wu Xian was defeated again. He fled with 5 or 6 cavalrymen. The Song pursued them but they all hid and the pursuers could not find out their whereabouts. 70,000 men of Wu Xian surrendered, Meng Gong's men captured so many armours that they lost count. His army then returned to Xiangyang (襄陽). He was transferred to serve as (?) and as Vice Supreme Commander of Jianglin and Ezhou. 


The army of the Great Yuan sent the Pacification Commissioner Wang Ji (王楫) come to Meng Gong's place to plan for a joint attack on Caizhou (). The Military Commissioner discussed the matters with Meng Gong, Gong asked for 20,000 men for the campaign. As such, Gong was ordered to support all generals. 20,000 horsemen of Jin dynasty rode to the south from Zhenyang (真陽), Hengshan (橫山) (mountain Heng). Meng Gong sounded the drum and advanced, the Jin was defeated in battle and fled. The Song pursued them to Gaohangpi (高黃陂) (literally means high and yellow mountain slope). They collected 1,200 heads of the enemy. Nayan Benzhan ordered three men Tuhuate (兔花忒), Meiheguo (沒荷過) and Axi (阿悉) to welcome Meng Gong (to their camp). Gong went hunting with them, cutting fresh meat, drinking and riding up to their tent. Benzhan liked him and wished to become his sworn brother. He poured horse milk (for Meng Gong) and they drunk it together. The Jin numbered 10,000 men came out from the eastern gate to battle, Meng Gong cut off their retreating route, took them by surprise and crossed Ruhe (汝河) (river Ru), capturing 87 enemy subordinate generals. His troops captured a surrendered prisoner from Caizhou who said that the city already ran out of provisions. Gong said: "The situation inside is already desperate, they would defend themselves to their last breath, we ought to watch out for any attempt to break out." Meng Gong and Nayan Benzhan came to an agreement that the northern and souther army would not mix up together. They would drain the dike and set up wooden ramparts. Benzhan ordered the wanhu Zhang Ru (張柔) to lead an elite force numbered 5000 to enter the city. The Jin people used hooks to pull off two soldiers and dragged them away. Zhang Ru was hit by numerous arrows to the point where he looked like a hedgehog. Gong led the vanguard to rescue him. Gong grabbed Zhang Ru and escaped from the scene. The Dispatcher Ma Rong showed disrespect, Meng Gong almost had him execute, but the men dismounted and asked Gong to pardon him. Ma Rong was beaten by sticks later. As the sun was about rise, Gong's army approached Shiqiao (石橋) (literally means the stone bridge). His troops used hooks to capture alive Guo Shan (郭山). His army slightly backed off, the Jin suddenly rushed forth, Gong jumped on his horse and entered the enemy's formation. He cut off Guo Shan's head to make an example, which enlivened the fighting spirit of the army one more time, they fought without caring about their lives, and thus made an advance towards the tower Chaitan (柴潭樓) (literally the tower of the Chai swamp) while setting up wooden ramparts. They captured 200 Jin soldiers, decapitated 300 heads. The next day, Meng Gong ordered all generals to capture Chaitan tower. The Jin made an attempt to wrestle the tower from the Song, the generals took their turn to climb up the tower. The Jin sent forth women with makeups to distract their enemy, but Gong's subordinate Zhang Xi (張禧) slayed them all, thus the Song army captured the tower and 537 generals and soldiers from the enemy. The people of Caizhou counted on the artificial swamp as an obstacle. Outside was the Ruhe (river Ru). The swamp was higher than the river level 5 to 6 zhang. On top of the city wall were big and small towers shaped like the character "jin" (金) , in which hidden a large crossbow. Legend had it that there was a dragon down there, men did not dare to come close. The generals and soldiers were afraid of it. Meng Gong summoned his generals for a drink. After the second drink, he said: "The Chai swamp was not something formed by nature, the crossbow installed in the tower could only reach our troops from afar, tt was not effective in close distance. Our enemy only counted on this river. If we break the dike and drain the swamp, then it would be empty." All the generals said: "The dike was particularly sturdy, it was not easy to chisel it." Gong responded: "The reason why the dike was sturdy was because of its head and tail, if we chisel its two wings (or sides), then it will be broken." The swamp was indeed drained, the army used firewoods and grass to fill up the hole to cross the swamp and stormed the city. They captured two enemy generals and executed them. The Right Vice Place Inspectorate General Wen Duan also fell into the Song army hands. His body was torn to pieces below the city wall. The Song approached the city gate made of earth. The Jin cooked the old and young with boiling oil. They called it "human oil bun". The people could not withstand the pains inflicted to them. Meng Gong sent a Daoist priest to persuade them to stop this calamity.


Duanping 1, I, xinchou (February/1/1234), black smoke filled the city. Sunlight could not shine upon it (due to black smoke). A surrenderer said: "The city has run out of food for 3 months. Horse saddles and leather boots were all cooked. I also heard that the old and weak are eating each other, while soldiers day by day mix  human and animal bones with parsley and mud to consume. Furthermore, they usually killed the whole squad of surrendered enemy troops and cut off their meat to eat. As such, a lot of people want to surrender." Meng Gong ordered the whole army to hold a metallic bit in their mouth (), passed on the siege ladders and distributed them under the city wall. Jiyou, Gong commanded his troops to head towards the southern gate. They approached the tower shaped like a character jin (金字樓), placed the ladder against the wall, and ordered all the generals to climb up upon the sound of drums. General Ma Yi (馬義) was the first to ascend to the top, then Zhao Rong (趙榮) followed him. Ten thousand soldiers rushed against each other to climb. A great battle occured on the city wall. The Grand Councilor Wugu Lunkaolao (烏古論栲栳) surrendered, the Marshal Wulinda (兀林達) and 200 subordinate commanders were killed in action. The western gate was opened so that Nayan Benzhan (and the Mongols) could enter the city. Jiang Hai (江海) captured the Vice Grand Councilor Zhang Tiangang (張天綱) and brought him back to Meng Gong. Gong asked where was the Jin emperor Wanyan Shouxu, Tiangang answered: "When the situation inside the city turns hopeless, our emperor brought jewels and pears to a small chamber, then surrounded himself with dried grass, shed tears and and hung himself. His last words were: "Once I died, burnt my own body." Fire and smoke kept burning afterwards." Meng Gong and Nayan Benzhan shared the ashes of the Jin emperor Wanyan Shouxu. They obtained the emperor's jade seal, a jade belt, gold and silver seals and command tokens. The army of Meng Gong returned to Xiangyang. He was especially appointed to be Military General of Merit, Metropolitan Cavalry Command in Charge. He was then elevated to Supreme Commandant of Jiankang Prefecture while concurrently and temporarily served as Administrative Official of the Metropolitan Cavalry Headquarter.

() The original word is 銜枚. 枚 means horse bit. These words were also employed by Ou Yangxiu in his poem "An Autumn Dirge". A translation of it could be found in Hebert Giles, A History of Chinese Literature, p.215-216. He rendered this phrase 銜枚疾走 as "bit in mouth"


The Chamberlain of Ceremonials (太常) and the Registrar of the Court (寺簿) Zhou Yangzu (朱楊祖) and the Apprentice Usher Lin Tuo (林拓) came to visit the mausoleums of eight emperors (of Northern Song dynasty). Intelligence reported that words passed among the Great Yuan (the Mongols) that the Song dynasty came to wrestle away Henan Prefecture from them. The advance vanguard has reached Meng Jin (盟津), Shaan Fu (陝府), Tong Guan (潼關). Henan augmented troops to set up ambushes. It was also heard that Huai (淮) general was scheduled to advance his army, but his soldiers were afraid and refused to go forward. Meng Gong said: "They army of Huaidong (淮東) which come from Huai river and Si (泗) river to reach Bianjing (汴) would not arrive there before a week. If I handpicked elite cavalry and let them move forward, then everything is done shorter than ten days. Once the army has already reached Dongjing (東京), my cavalry would have returned." As such, his force quickly marched night and day to meet the two ambassadors in the mausoleums, announced imperial edict, performed proper rituals and then returned. The Headquarter of the Military Commissioner submitted a memorial to request that Meng Gong remained in Xiangyang (襄陽) and concurrently served as the Supreme Commandant of the Zhenbei Army (鎮北). The Zhenbei army consisted of 15,000 soldiers who had gone through hundreds of battles and was recruited by Meng Gong in the Central Plain. They were divided to defend Chaobei (漅北), Fancheng (樊城), Xinye (新野), Tangzhou (唐) and Dengzhou (鄧). Not long after this, he was summoned to present his opinion at the Bureau of Military Affairs. He was appointed to be (?). Duanping 2, he served as Administrative Official of the Metropolitan Cavalry Headquarter in Charge. At the time, he was stationing his troops at Huangzhou (黃州), he came to the court to bid farewell to the emperor. The emperor said to him: "You are the son of a famous general. You have loyally and diligently served the state. With such achievements as breaking into Caizhou and exterminating the Jin, your merrits are apparent. "This is due to the august divinity of our state and your Majesty sagacious moral virtues. Comparing to the achievement of the whole army and its soldiers, I have not done much on my part." When the emperor asked about recovering lost lands (), Gong responded: "I wish that your Majesty should spare the people from arduity, conserve human and financial resource and wait for the right opportunity." When the emperor asked about whether the state should negotiate for peace with enemy, Gong replied: "I am a general, I only speak of war, not peace." The emperor awarded Meng Gong lavishly and let him serve concurrently as Magistrate of Guangzhou (光州) and Huangzhou (黃州).


Duanping I, Meng Gong arrived at Huangzhou (黃). He ordered low walls to be increased in height while moats to be deepened in depth. Military provisions were also sought out and gathered. Frontier refugees arrived at his town numbering several thousands per day. He built 3000 huts to shelter them and spend a great deal of fund to relieve the people. He was afraid that troops and civilians mix up together. As such, he built two camps named Qi An (齊安) and Zhen Huai (鎮淮) on high ground in order to house his soldiers. He also established two forts named Zhangjiashan (章家山) and Wujiashan (毋家山) as outposts, asl well as Hu Yi (虎翼) (literally Tiger wings) and Fei Hu (飛虎) as military camps. He was in charge of the Military Comission Agency and administered the armies of four prefectures Huang (黃), Qi (蘄), Guang (光), and Xinyang (信陽)


The army of the Great Yuan besieged Qizhou (蘄州), Meng Gong commanded his troops to relieve it. They then attacked Xiangyang (襄陽), the Grand Defender Zhang Guishou (張龜壽), the Defender of Jingmen Zhou Yangzu (朱楊祖) and the Defennder of Ying Qiao Shian (喬士安) all abandoned their districts and fled. Fuzhou (復州) Shi Ziren died in action. The situation is Jiangling was critical. The emperor ordered troops along Jiang () and Huaxi (淮西) came to rescue those places. Soldiers said that no one could surpass Meng Gong. He first ordered Zhang Shun to cross the river, Gong led the main army to follow. The Great Yuan divided their forces into two wings, one attacked Fuzhou (復州), one constructed rafts to cross Yangtze at Zhijiang (枝江), Jianli (監利縣) county. Meng Gong ordered his men to change the colour of their banners and clothes, let them march back and forth, at night holding torches to light up the river surface for several tens of li. He then commanded his cousin Zhao Wu (趙武) to attack together with him, personally directing his troops, eventually destroying 24 enemy forts, returned 20,000 people to their place. In Jiaxi I, he was promoted to be District Baron of Suizhou (隨縣男), and was elevated to be the Prefect of Gaozhou (高州刺史), Commissioner of Militiamen of Zhongzhou (忠州團練使) and Magistrate of Jiangling Prefecture (知江陵府), Vice Military Comissioner of Jingxi and Hubei (京西湖北安撫副使). Not long after this, he assumed the post of Supreme Commandant of all armies of Ezhou (鄂州諸軍都統制).

The Great Yuan Great General Temodai (將忒沒, Mongol: Temutei) entered Hanyang (漢陽), the Great General Kouwen Buhua (口溫不花 Mongol: Kun Buqa) invaded Huaidian (淮甸). The Defender of Qizhou (蘄守) Zhang Keda (張可大) and Li Shida (李士達) of Shuzhou (舒州) abandoned their prefectures and fled. The Defender of Guangzhou (光守) Dong Yaozhen (董堯臣) surrendered his prefecture to the Mongols. The Great Yuan combined infantry and cavalry of three prefectures, together with provisions and military siege engines (), to attack the Defender of Huangzhou (黃守) Wang Jian (王鑒) and the General of Jiangzhou (江帥) Wan Wensheng (萬文勝), but they met setbacks. Meng Gong entered the city, the soldiers and civilians were excited and said: "Here our father have come." Gong established his tent on top of the city tower, personally supervising the task of defending the city. The whole city was saved from the enemy. He ordered 49 stragglers to be executed to set examples. The emperor personally penned his edict to commemorate the military feat of the generals and their soldiers, particularly bestowed Meng Gong gold bowl. Gong took 50 pieces of silver to gift all the generals. Generals and soldiers had been in bitter fighting for the whole month, those who fell ill and were wounded formed a long line. Gong ordered the medical doctors to take care of them. His men were moved to tears.


In Jiaxi 2, spring, Meng Gong was appointed to be the Pacification Comissioner of Ningyuan Army (遠軍承宣使), (?) (帶御器械), the Supreme Commandant of all armies of Ezhou and Jiangling. Gong submitted a memorial to refuse this appointment because the royal court had not awarded the army for their merits. An edicts was read as followed: "If those who made an achievement were not rewarded, how would I be measured in the eyes of people? As for the military feats of the army, let them hastily come to report to me. The order of conferring titles is from generals down to the files and ranks. Why did you refuse to accept your appointment?" Not long after this, Meng Gong was appointed to be Vice Coammnder-in-Chief of the Branch Bureau of Military Affairs (樞密副都承旨), Vice Pacifying Military Commissioner of Jingxi and Hubei Circuit (京西湖北路安撫制置副使), while assuming the responsibility of Military Inspector and Counselor (兼督視行府參謀官). Not long after this, he was promoted to be Military Commissioner (制置使) while conccurently served as Magistrate of Yuezhou (知岳州). An imperial edict was passed to order Jiangling (?) (江陵節制司) to harass Xiangzhou () and Yingzhou (). As such, Zhang Xun () was able to recover Yingzhou (郢州), Xia Shun (賀順) recovered Jingmenjun (荊門軍). II, renzi, Li Quan fought at Zhongtou (塚頭), at Fancheng (樊城), and at Langshenshan (郎神山) (mountain Langshen). News reporting victory arrived at the court numerous times. In Jiaxi 3, I, Cao Wenyong (曹文鏞) recovered Yangjun (陽軍), Liu Quan (劉全) recovered Fancheng (樊城). Eventually Xiangyang (襄陽) was also recovered. Li Quan was appointed to be the Recipient of Edicts of the Branch Military Bureau (樞密都承旨), the Military Comissioner (制置使) while serving as the Magistrate of Ezhou (兼知鄂州). Li Quan ordered Tan Shen (譚深) to recover Guanghuajun (光化軍), Xizhou () and Caizhou (蔡) also surrendered. Meng Gong ordered his men to receive these places and obtained more than a hundred strong men. They were registered to be enlisted in the Zhongweijun (忠衛軍).
Before that, an edict was passed to order Meng Gong to recover Jing () and Xiang (). Gong said that once Yingzhou (郢) fell into the Song's hands, the supplying routes would be cleared up, once Jingmen (荊門) was captured, the Song could send their troops for surprised attacks. As a result, Gong personally directed operational strategies, sending troops to penetrate deeply into enemy territories. For those places where his troops traversed, news reporting victories came back to the court. Meng Gong submitted a memorial stating that: "Taking Xiangyang is not hard, but defending it is hard. This is not because our generals and soldiers are not brave, not because our horses and weapons are not in the best conditions, but because we cannot properly maintain the flow of supplies into the city. Xiangyang and Fancheng were essential to our state. Now that we have obtained it through hundreds of battles, we should improve our method of management and conserve our strength. It is not possible to defend these places without 100,000 troops. Instead of responding to the incursions of the enemy by drawing troops from these places, it is much more wise to protecting them as this is an ever winning strategy. The best way of conducting to war is through forging the right strategy, this is the so-called competing without seemingly competing." As such, he formed a vanguard, and let those who came from Ying and Xiang return to those places. 


Gengyin, scouts reported that the Great Yuan army would open a large-scale operation by approaching Yangtze. Meng Gong predicted that they would have to go through Shizhou () and Qianzhou () to pass through Hu Xiang (湖湘). He asked permission from the court to supply the army with 100,000 shi of food. He ordered 2000 men to defend Xiazhou (峽州) and 1000 men to defend Guizhou (歸州). The former general of Zhongwei army Jin De (晉德) came from Guanghua (光化) to submit, Meng Gong rewarded and employed him. Gong's younger brother Meng Ying led 5000 elite troops station at Songzi (松滋) to serve as reinforcement for Kuizhou (夔). Meng Gong ordered Yu Dexing (于德興) to supply more troops to defend the Wanhugu Pass (隘口萬戶谷), which belonged to Guizhou (歸州). The Great Yuan army had intentions to cross Yangtze from Suizhou (). Gong secretly ordered Liu Quan (劉全) to resist the enemy, he also ordered Wu Sizhi (伍思智) to let 1000 men to station at Shizhou (施州). The Great Yuan great generals Tahai (Taqai) and Tuxue commanded their army to enter Shu () (now Sichuan (Szechwan)). They declared that they had 800,000 troops. Meng Gong increased the number of camps and forts, distributed to them warships and ordered Zhang Ju (張舉) to follow a small route to reach Junzhou (均州) and establish a defence there. The Great Yuan army crossed Hutan (湖灘) of Wanzhou (萬州). This came as a shocking news to Shizhou and Kuizhou. Meng Gong's older borther Meng Jing () was at the time the Vice Military Commissioner of Hubei (湖北安撫副使) and the Magistrate of Xiazhou (知峽州), he hurriedly send letters to Meng Gong and defended the prefecture. Gong asked the Area Command (督府) permission to let his army westwards, Meng Jing ordered the army of Jin Duo (金鐸) to resist and repel the enemy at the camp of Da E, which belonged to Guizhou (州大𤦩砦). Liu Yi scored a victory at Qing Ping village (清平村) in Ba Dong county (巴東縣). Meng Gong's younger brother Meng Zhang () selected 2000 elite troops to station in Lizhou (澧州) to defend the Shi (施) and Qian Circuit (黔路). In Jiaxi 4, Gong was conferred the title "viscount".


Meng Gong submitted a memorial detailing that the defence system should be made up of three layers: the court should establish Vice Military Commissioner and moved the army of the Headquarter of Beyond the Campaign Commander (?) to Kuizhou (), letting these two posts be responsible for the south of Beizhou (涪) up to Yangtze, this was the first layer. Defending Dingzhou (鼎) and Lizhou (澧), this was the second layer. Defending Chenzhou (辰), Yuanzhou (沅), Qingzhou (靖), Guizhou (桂), this was the third layer. For Xiazhou (峽州) and Songzi (松滋), each place should have 10,000 men acting as their defensive force, while the navy should be subjected to the control of these places. There should also be 3000 men defending Guizhou (歸州), while for Dingzhou, Lizhou, Chenzhou, Yuanzhou and Qingzhou, each place should have 5000 men acting as their defensive forces. For Chenzhou () and Linzhou, each place should be defended by 1000 men. If the defending plan was implemented, then Jiangxi would be safe. Meng Gong then ordered Yang Ding (楊鼎), Zhang Qian (張謙) to go to Chenzhou, Yuanzhou and Qingzhou to clearly made the Magistrate who defended there be familiar with Gong's strategy. He also asked to divide Sizhou (思), Bozhou (播), Shizhou (施) and Qianzhou (黔) into smaller routes, and demanded them to submit their local maps.

At that time, scouts came to know that the Great Yuan army was gathering soldiers and civilians and let them plant seeds in Xiangyang (襄), Fancheng (樊), Suizhou (隨) and Xinyang (信陽). They also gathered materials to build ship in Dengzhou (鄧), which belonged to Shunyang (順陽). As such, Meng Gong ordered Zhang Hanying (張漢英) led troops to exit Suizhou, Ren Yi (任義) led men to exit Xinyang, Qiao Jin (焦進) led his army exit Xiangyang. They all marched in different routs to harass the enemy. Wang Jian (王堅) was ordered to secretly let his men to burn enemy materials for building ships. Gong predicted that the Mongols must count on their provisions stored in Caizhou (蔡), as such he ordered Zhang De (張德) and Liu Zheng (劉整), each leading an army, to enter Caizhou to burn all accumulated food and provisions of the enemy. Meng Gong was promoted to be the Military Commissioner of Ningwu Army (寧武軍節度使), Pacification Commissioner of Sichuan (四川宣撫使) while concurrently served as the Magistrate of Kuizhou (知夔州). Gong gathered 359 people from Macheng county (麻城縣), Ba He (巴河), An Le Ji (安樂磯), Guan Gong Dian (管公店) of Huai river region. These people were inhabitants of border regions and were warriors who had been through numerous battles. They were to enter the service of the Ningwu Army, whose commandership was appointed to Zhang Ling (璋領). Meng Gong was bestowed the title the Marquis of Handong District while concurrently served as the Military Commissioner and Pacification Commissioner of Jinghu (京湖安撫制置使)
 () means engage in agriculture to establish a permanent base)

The Uyghur Aili Badulu (Bahadur) (愛里八都魯) led more than 100 strong men, 105 old and young people, and 260 horses come to submit. Meng Gong established a new army called "Feihe Army" (The Flying Uyghur Army), changed Aili's name into Ai Zhongxiao (艾忠孝) (literally means Loyal and Filial), led him serve as (?) and asked the court to appoint him to an official post. The Military Commissioner of Sichuan Chen Longzhi (陳隆之) did not get along with the Vice Military Commissioner Peng Daya (彭大雅). They verbally jousted each other by submitting memorials to the emperor. Gong said: "Now that the affairs of the state has already reached this critical stage, even if you two cooperate to come up with new ideas, it is still not guaranteed that you could succeed. Yet now you are only bravely engaging in personal quarrel, don't you two feel ashamed of yourself when comparing each other to Lian Po (廉頗) and Lin Xiangru (藺相如)? As such he sent letters to admonish them. When Chen Longzhi and Peng Daya received his letters, they really felt ashamed of themselves.


Meng Gong attempted to eliminate corruption in Shu (Sichuan), issuing orders and distributing them to all prefectures and counties. These orders aimed to curb these following phenomena: bribing to obtain an official post, receiving false rewards when one was undeserved, illegally slicing off and pocketing military provisions, greedy government officials and superiors and inferiors deceiving one another. Gong also said: "If one does not erect military forts and ramparts at strategic locations, then it is hard to blame the military for not protecting civilians. If one does not gather refugees and let them engage in agricultural activities, then it is hard to blame the civllians for not supporting the army. As such, he regulated rewards and punishment in order to test and supervise officials from lower to upper level and demanded that relevant government departments to carry it out. The Grand Administrator () of Lizhou (黎) Yan Shigu (閻師古) reported to Meng Gong that the kingdom of Dali (大理國) wished to pass through Lizhou and Yazhou () to pay tribute. Gong responded that Dali bordered Yongzhou () and Guangzhou (廣), the ambassadors should not choose Sichuan to pass through. As such he refused this proposal. Meng Gong served as the Grand Military Commissioner of District of Kui (夔路制置大使) and State Farms Grand Commissioner. The army had not accumulated food and provisions, Gong established military farms on a large scale. He directed corvée labourers to build dikes, as well as gathering peasants to distribute seeds among them. The beginning of this large project starts at Zigui (秭歸) and the end is at Hankou (漢口). There were in total 20 military farms, 170 estates, 188,280 ding of arable lands. Gong submitted a memorial telling in details the whole process and providing evidence of reduction of obligatory military provisions supplied by the state. The emperor passed an edict to celebrate and reward Meng Gong's achievement. Lin Sailiang, an ethnic Yao in Qingzhou rebelled against the Song, Gong ordered Wang Yu (王瑀) to suppress him.


In Chunyou II, Meng Gong asked permission from the court to build a temple in Yueyang (岳陽) for those who sacrificed themselves for the cause of the state in Jingzhao (京) and Xiangyang (襄), where sacrifices were made yearly. An imperial edict named the temple as "Shrine of Mourning the Loyals" (閔忠廟). When Huaidong was under the enemy attack, the Bureau of Military Affairs ordered Meng Gong to relieve it. He ordered Li De (李得) to command 4000 elite troops to reach Huaidong. Gong's son Meng Zhijing (之經) served as the Army Supervisor (監軍). News from scouts reported that Yeke Nayan (Eke Noyan) of Jingzhao Circuit led 3000 cavalry to pass through Shangzhou (商州) and captured Guling Pass (鶻嶺關). They made their way out of Zhushan (竹山), which belonged to Fangzhou (房州). Meng Gong ordered Wang Ling (王令) to station his army in Jiangling (江陵), and shortly thereafter advanced to Yingzhou (郢州) to encamp there. Liu Quan (劉全) defended Shashi (沙市), Qiao Jin commanded 1000 men to depart Xiangyang from Jianglin (江陵) and Jingmen (荊門). Liu Quan was ordered to bring ten days provision and to secure the pathway Nanzhang (南漳) to enter Xiangyang, thus joining force with other armies.


The army of the Great Yuan reached Sanchuan (三川), Meng Gong ordered military commanders to lead their soldiers out to defend the places. He forbid them to lose or abandon an inch of soil. The Acting Magistrate of Kaizhou (開州) Liang Dong (梁棟) ran out of food supplies and asked permission from the headquarter to retreat. Meng Gong said: "This means abandon the city." When Liang Dong arrived at Kuizhou (夔州), he ordered Gao Da (高達) to decapitate Dong to make an example. As such, all generals were strictly obeyed Gong's orders and watched out for themselves. The army of the Great Yuan arrived at Luzhou (), Meng Gong ordered the Branch Office of Chongqing (重慶分司) send troops to reinforce it. He also commanded Zhang Xiang (張祥) to defend Fuzhou (涪州). Gong was appointed to be the Acting Junior Guardian (檢校少保) and was promoted to be the Commandery Duke of Handong (漢東郡公). He said: "Yuanzhou (沅) is not as strategically important as Chenzhou (辰), Qingzhou (靖) is not as strategically important as Yuan. All these three prefectures requires an investment in efforts, and Qingzhou is in critical danger. As of now there are no bases to supply military arms and food to these prefectures. This is the first concern of Jinghu (京湖). The defence along the Yangtze, upward starting from Zigui (秭歸), downward reaching Shouchang (壽昌), stretches 2000 li. From Gong An (公安) to Xiazhou (峽州), there were in total around 10 places of rocky river banks. In midwinter, the water froze up, thus they all need to be defended, and yet having too many men on the defence is not advisable in terms of military convention. This is the second concern of Jinghu. Right now, the muster rolls shows a shortage of registered men, and yet we have to defend both rocky banks and mountain passes. This is the third concern of Jinghu." Lu Kang (陸抗) once said: "Jingzhou (荊州) has a critical strategic importance to the state. If it is threatened and in danger, then we need to invest all state resources to keep it in our hands. If we do not increase our troops to 80,000 to jointly establish a defence, then even if Han Xin and Bai Qi was reborned, they would not be able to employ their capability." As of now when the general situation is as such, we need to seriously consider our gains and losses." Yu Jie (余玠) became the Pacification Commissioner of Sichuan (宣諭四川), and on his way there, he paid a visit to Meng Gong. Gong, recognizing that millets stored in Chongqing were insufficient, sent 100,000 shi of rice gained from military agricultural colonies to Sichuan. He also ordered Jin De (晉德) to command 6000 men to reinforce Sichuan. Meng Zhijing (之經) was appointed to be (?). In Chun You 4, Meng Gong served as Magistrate of Jiangling Circuit (知江陵府). Meng Gong said to his assistant that: "Our government has not carefully considered it, if our enemy put pressure on us, the upstream and downstream of Yangtze flushes through, what would we be able to do? If Gong leaves this place, then our enemy would attack at our empty place? And yet if I leave, who would defend this place from dangers?" Those who were well-versed in these matters realize that Meng Gong was right.

(1) Tam Quốc Chí, quyển 58, Lục Tốn truyện viết như sau:



An imperial edict was passed ordering 5000 troops to defend An Feng (安豐). They would act as reinforcement for Shou Chun (壽春). Meng Gong ordered Liu Quan (劉全) to command them and set out on his path. Then an order following next demanded that troops be stationed at Qi An (齊安). Gong said: "San Jiangkou (三江口) of Shou Chang (壽昌) of Huangzhou (黃州) were only separated by a river. We should let our troops cross the river, why is there a need to order them to move in advance? Letting troops moving forth one day early means incurring more expenses for that day. There is no benefits gained from it, only losses are created. If the upstream's situation becomes alarming, then our troops are already exhausted. This is not the right strategy." As such, he did not follow the order. In Chunyou V, the emperor personally wrote a writing that extolled Meng Gong for his achievements when he was assuming his official posts, and he was promoted two level above. He was permitted to bestow his posts to his relatives. Meng Gong arrived at Jiangling (江陵), he mounted on top of the wall and said: "Jiangling relied on Sanhai (三海). It is little known that damp lands here could turn into strawberry fields. Once the enemy whip their horses and rush forward, they would reach the outside of the city wall. Broadly speaking, from the city to the east, from Xiangfeng (先鋒) of Guling (古嶺) to Sanyi (三氵義), there are practically no obstacles." As such, he repaired 11 inner passes, created 12 new passes on the outside, some were away from the city several tens li. The streams of Ju river () and Zhang river () originally flowed from the west of the city to Yangtze, but since it met obstacles, it turned to flow eastwards. Meng Gong redirected it so that it took a circuitous route around the north of the city and flowed to the Han river (), Sanhai was connected and united into one. Depending on its elevation or troughnes, he digged large moats to store water, which became large lakes with great water surface. Meng Gong mobilized 1,700,000 men to engage in wood works and carry earth, yet the people did not feel the burden. He drew a map to submit to the throne.


Meng Gong stationed in Jiangling, while his brother Meng Jing (璟) was the Military Commissioner in Wuchang (武昌). Two brothers could not meet in the same place. As such, Gong asked for permission to retire, but the court did not approve it. An imperial edict was passed ordering 5000 men to come to rescue Huai (淮), Gong ordered Zhang Hanying (張漢英) to be the head of this contingent. The Bureau of Military Affairs ordered 5000 men to reach Guangxi. Meng Gong sent a letter to the Executive Official (執政) that stated as followed: "Dali (大理) were separated from Yongzhou () by 1000 li and many tribes. Nowadays we need to select men to distribute them among the circuits and let them rule over the wild Yi. Based on the difficulty of the terrain, we need to handle the defence matter as we saw fit, we also need to construct mountain passes and station troops, accumulate food supplies at several places. Our military strength will grow, our state's prestige will buttress. If we do not follow these strategies and choose instead to move our armies according to wind blow, then we will waste our funds and food resources. This will prove useless to our national matter." But the court did not adopt his suggestion. The general of Great Yuan Dana (大納) reached Jiangling (江陵), he ordered Yang Quan (楊全) to set up an ambush at Jingmen (荊門). Meng Gong sent out scouts and then reported back to the Bureau of Military Affairs and informed the two Huai regions to be ready. The two Huai regions did not know this, and thus fell victims to the enemy as Gong's report stated. Gong said: "The people of Xiang (襄) and Shu () were all scattered. Learned men had no place to return. Learned men from Shu gathered at Gongan (公安), those from Xiang gathered at Yingzhu (郢渚). I have established libraries in Gongan and Nanyang (南陽), I have gave them untaken lands and houses so that they could sustain themselves." He asked the emperor to pen a writing to reward them.


Before this, Meng Gong assembled Zhenbei army which stationed in Xiangyang. The army of Li Hu (李虎) and Wang Min (王旻) rebelled, Zhenbei army also dispersed. Gong had to reward them and assemble them. Those who came to submit were numerous. The Branch Secretariat Fan Yongji (范用吉) secretly contacted Gong to surrender. Gong received his message and kept it as evidence before telling the court, but they do not approve it. He had to sighn that: "Thirty years of winning back the heart of the people from the Central Plain, now my will is not realized." As such his condition worsen. He asked to retire and was conferred the title shoujian Junior Preceptor and was appointed to the Retired Military Commissioner of Ningwu Army. He passed away in Jiangling Circuit Administrative Palace. At the time, it was XII, wuniu. The first day of that month, a large star fell into the palace, its crashing sound is like thunder. In the night when he passed away, a great wind blew off the chamber and broke up the trees. As the news of his death arrived at the court, the emperor was shocked and halted the court session. He bestowed 1000 pieces of silver and bolts of silk. Gong was conferred the title Junior Preceptor and was three times bestowed the title Grand Preceptor as well as Duke of state of Ji. His posthumous title is "Zhongxiang (忠襄)", his temple name is "Weiai (威愛)".

Meng Gong's loyalty to his ruler and his dedication to his state could shine through metal and stone. When he was in the army and discussed military matters with his assistant and subordinate, everyone spoke up different ideas, Gong only used a few words to neutralize the differences. His subordinates all enjoy it. To learned men, travellers and old military commanders, he all care for them with gentle kindness. Even though he has achieved great status, he only cared about drums and flags (means military duties). His facial expression was stern whenever he was in front of generals and officials. Nobody dare to spit in front of him (which means showing contempt). Once he was retired, he burned incense and swept the ground with brooms, leaning on his chair and sit straight, as if he had laid down all external worries. He stayed away from unscrupulous wealth and women and did not indulge himself in tasty food. His understanding of "Yi Jing" was prfound. The 65 hexagrams could all be described in four sentences, that is (?) (警心易贊). He was also well versed in Buddhist doctrine, calling himself (?) (無庵居士).

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  1.   兀良合台,初事太祖。時憲宗為皇孫,尚幼,以兀良合台世為功臣家,使護育之。憲宗在潛邸,遂分掌宿衞。歲(乙)〔癸〕巳,[5]領兵從定宗征女真國,破萬奴於遼東。繼從諸王拔都征欽察、兀魯思、阿〔速〕、孛烈兒諸部。[6]丙午,又從拔都討孛烈兒乃、捏迷思部,平之。己酉,定宗崩。...