Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 2, 2024


 1. 兀良合台,初事太祖。時憲宗為皇孫,尚幼,以兀良合台世為功臣家,使護育之。憲宗在潛邸,遂分掌宿衞。歲(乙)〔癸〕巳,[5]領兵從定宗征女真國,破萬奴於遼東。繼從諸王拔都征欽察、兀魯思、阿〔速〕、孛烈兒諸部。[6]丙午,又從拔都討孛烈兒乃、捏迷思部,平之。己酉,定宗崩。拔都與宗室大臣議立憲宗,事久未決。四月,諸王大會,[7]定宗皇后問所宜立,皆惶惑,莫敢對。兀良合台對曰:「此議已先定矣,不可復變。」拔都曰:「兀良合台言是也。」議遂定。

Uryangqadai at first served the emperor Yuan Taizu (Činggis qaγan). When Yuan Xianzong (Möngke) was his grandson, he was still a child. Because the Uryangqai had been esteemed servants through multiple generations, Yuan Taizu entrusted him the task of educating the young prince. When Yuan Xianzong was in Qiandi, Uryangqadai seperately headed the suwei (宿衞) (imperial guards). In guisi year, he commanded troops and followed Dingzong (Güyük) on an expedition against the state of the Jurchens. He crushed Wannu in Liaodong. He then followed the prince Batu to conquer the tribes such as Qipchaqs (1), Urus (2), Asu (3) and Poland (4). In the bingwu year, he followed Batu to campaign against the tribes Poland and Niemisi (4), and they pacified them. In the jiyou year, Dingzong passed away, Batu, together with other princes and chief ministers intended to elect Xianzong as the Qan, but the matters could not be settled for quite some time. In the fourth month, when princes gathered together for the kuriltai, the emperess of Dingzong asked who could be elected , and all was frightened to answer. Uryangqadai spoke up: "This matter has been settled already, no changes can be made." Batu also said: "What Uryangqadai said is true." As such, the final decision had been made.

(1) Rendered as Qincha (欽察), which is identified as Qipchaqs. See Stephen Pow "Subutai: Sorting facts from fiction surrounding the Mongol Empire's greatest general (With Translations of Subutai's two biographies in the Yuan Shi", page 54

(2) Rendered as Wulusi (兀魯思), identified as the Russian princedoms by Stephen Pow, see page 63

(3) Rendered as Asu (阿速), identified as Ossete tribes by Stephen Pow

(4) Rendered as (孛烈兒), identified by Bi Wei as Poland, see Bi Wei "The first contact between China and Poland in history", page 18, 26, 27. According to a different opinion, this name should be some Bulgarian tribes, see "Fortifications, defense systems, structures and features in the past", page 245.

(5) 捏迷思 has not been identified as any tribe in the West. It is believed that this name indicates certain German settlers in Transylvania. See "Fortifications, defense...", page 245

2. 憲宗即位之明年,世祖以皇弟總兵討西南夷烏蠻、白蠻、鬼蠻諸國,以兀良合台總督軍事。其鬼蠻,即赤禿哥國也。癸丑秋,大軍自旦當嶺入雲南境。摩些二部酋長唆火脫因、塔裏馬來迎降,遂至金沙江。兀良合台分兵入察罕章,蓋白蠻也,所在寨柵以次攻下之。獨阿塔剌所居半空和寨,依山枕江,牢不可拔。使人覘之,言當先絕其汲道。兀良合台率精銳立砲攻之。阿塔剌遣人來拒,兀良合台遣其子阿朮迎擊之,寨兵退走。遂并其弟阿叔城俱拔之。進師取龍首關,翊世祖入大理國城。

The next year after the coronation of Xianzong, Shies ordered his younger brother to be the overall commander of the army, which set out to conquer kingdoms that belonged to southwestern barbarians such as the Wuman, Baiman and Guiman. Uryangqadai assumed the true command of this expedition force. Guiman was the Chituge state. In the autumn of guichou year (Jan. 31-1253 till Feb. 20/1254), the total force departed the Zidan ridge and entered Yunnan territory. Two chieftains of the Moxie tribe, Suohuotuoyin and Talima came to offer submission. The army then crossed the Jinsha river. Here, Uryangqadai decided to divide his force to penetrate into the territory of the Chahanzhang, another name for the Baimans. All fortified places submitted to him in droves. One sole stronghold named Bankonghe, where Ataci stayed, was difficult to assault because it leaned on the mountain while was fronted by a river. Uryangqadai ordered his men to scout out the place, then commanded them to cut off their water supplies. He then selected picked troops to construct trebuchets in order to break down the fortification. Ataci led his men out to resist, only to be defeated by Uryangqadai's son Aju who led a force to greet him. The enemy retreated. Then the general asked Ataci's brother Ashu to capture the fortress. Uryangqadai then led his army to take Longshou Pass (Dragon Head Pass) and assist Yuan Shizu to enter the Dali capital.

3. 甲寅秋,復分兵取附都善闡,轉攻合剌章水城,屠之。合剌章,蓋烏蠻也。前次羅部府,大酋高昇集諸部兵拒戰,大破之於洟可浪山下,遂進至烏蠻所都押赤城。城際滇池,三面皆水,既險且堅,選驍勇以砲摧其北門,縱火攻之,皆不克。乃大震鼓鉦,進而作,作而止,使不知所為,如是者七日,伺其困乏,夜五鼓,遣其子阿朮潛師躍入,亂斫之,遂大潰。至昆澤,擒其國王段(智興)〔興智〕及其渠帥馬合剌昔以獻。[8]餘眾依阻山谷者,分命裨將也里、脫伯、押真掩其右,合台護尉掩其左,約三日捲而內向。及圍合,與阿朮引善射者二百騎,期以三日,四面進擊。兀良合台陷陣鏖戰,又攻纖寨,拔之。至乾德哥城,兀良合台病,委軍事於阿朮。環城立砲,以草填塹,眾軍始集,阿朮已率所部搏戰城上,城遂破。

In the autumn of jiayou year (Jan. 21-1254 till Feb. 8-1255), Uryangqadai divided his army to take the subordinate capital Shanchan, and then transferred his troops to attack Helachang fortress. The army massacred the population inside. The so-called Helachang was actually the Wuman. Uryangqadai's force arrived before the city Luobu. The great chieftain Gao Sheng gathered his men from various tribes to offer resistance, but they were crushed at the base of Yikelang mountain. The Mongols then advanced to the capital of the Wuman, the Yachi fortress. This place was by the lake Tianchi. All three sides were water. It was a deeply isolated and impregnable fortress. Uryangqadai must choose his brave men and led them operate trebuchets to destroy the northern gate. They fire-attacked it, and eventually captured it. Prior to this, they sounded drums and gongs like thunder. They beat the drums while advancing, but then also did so when they halted. This confused the enemy. This lasted for seven days and the enemy became exhausted. When the night came, Uryangqadai sounded the drum five times and ordered his son Aju to secretly entered the fortress. They slashed the enemy in chaos, and their foes were broken. As the army reached Kun marsh, they captured the king of Dali, Duan Xingzhi, and his commander Helaxi and sent them to the emperor. The remnants of the enemy relied on mountainous terrain to defend themselves. Uryangqadai separately ordered his subordinate commanders Yeli, Tuobo, Yazhen to take charge of the right wing, Qadai (Hetai) commanded the left wing; they agreed to make a deep advance into the enemy three days later. As the encirclement was enclosed, Uryangqadai and Aju made two hundred cavalry marksmen wait for three days. Then from all four sides, they made a total assault. Uryangqadai broke into the enemy's formation and engaged in intense fighting until he vanquished them. He was able to capture a fortified camp named Xian. When they finally arrived at Gandege citadel, Uryangqadai became ill and delegated commandership to his son Aju. Their army surrounded the citadel and built trebuchets, using straws to fill up the moats. As the army began to concentrate their force, Aju led his troops to storm the citadel and captured it.

4. 乙卯,攻不花合因、阿合阿因等城,阿朮先登,取其三城。又攻赤禿哥山寨,阿朮緣嶺而戰,遂拔之。乘勝擊破魯〔魯〕厮國塔渾城,[9]又取忽蘭城。魯魯厮國大懼,請降。阿伯國有兵四萬,不降。阿朮攻之,入其城,舉國請降。復攻阿魯山寨,進攻阿魯城,克之。乃搜捕未降者,遇赤禿哥軍於合打台山,追赴臨崖,盡殺之。自出師至此,凡二年,平大理五城八府四郡,洎烏、白等蠻三十七部。兵威所加,無不款附。

In Yimou (Feb. 9th--1255 to Jan. 28-1256), Uryangqadai assaulted the fortress Buhuaheyin and Ahe'ayin. Aju was the first to ascend the wall. Three fortresses were taken. The army then assaulted Chituge mountain fort. Aju moved along the mountain peek to fight, and eventually took it. Following up with this victory, he attacked the city Tahun of Tusi state, then successfully took Hulan fortress. Tusi state was shocked and submitted. Abo state had 40,000 troops and as such was not willing to surrender. Aju attacked them, entered their city. The state sent their submission to him. The army then attacked Alu mountain fortress, proceeded to reduce and took it. The army searched and hunted down those who did not surrender. They encountered Chituge army at Hedatai mountain, pursuing them to the mountain base and slaughtered them. Since the army departed up till now, it was already 2 years. They had pacified five cities, eight prefectures and four districts and thirty seven barbarian tribes such as Jiwu and Bai. The army's reputation increased, and no one dared not to surrender and submit.

5. 丙辰,征白蠻國、波麗國,阿朮生擒其驍將,獻俘闕下。詔以便宜取道,與鐵哥帶兒兵合,遂出烏蒙,趨瀘江,剗禿剌蠻三城,却宋將張都統兵三萬,奪其船二百艘於馬湖江,斬獲不可勝計。遂通道於嘉定、重慶,抵合州,濟蜀江,與鐵哥帶兒會。

In Bingchen year (Jan. 29-1256-Jan.1-1257), Uryangqadai continued to conquer Bai Man and Boli state. Aju captured their brave generals and submitted them to the court. An edict ordered them (Uryangqadai and Aju) to choose a more accessible road to unite with the force of Tiegedaier, then departed from Wumeng, followed the course of Lu river and take down Wulaman fortress, repelled 30,000 men led by Song general (or campaign commander) Zhang, while captured 200 of their boats in Mahu river. They slayed numerous enemies. Eventualy the path to Jiading and Chongqing was opened. The army reached Hezhou, crossed Shu river and united with Tiegedaier's force.

6. 丁巳,以雲南平,遣使獻捷於朝,且請依漢故事,以西南夷悉為郡縣,從之。賜其軍銀五千兩、綵幣二萬四千匹,授銀印,加大元帥。還鎮大理,遂經六盤山至臨洮府,與大營合。月餘,復西征烏蠻。

In dingyou year (Jan.17-1257 till Feb. 4-1258), because Yunnan has been pacified, Uryangqadai sent the victory announcement to the court. He requested, in reference to the tradition dating back to Han dynasty, to establish counties and prefectures in the territory of the southwestern barbarians. The emperor approved this. Uryangqadai's army was bestowed 5000 silver taels, 24,000 bolts of silks, while he was granted a silver seal and was promoted to be the Grand Marshal. Uryangqadai returned to Dali and stationed there, He crossed Lisbon mountain and approached Lintao prefecture before joining the great army's camp. Several months later, he was in a campaign against the Wuman.


In the autumn, the ninth month, Uryangqaidai sent envoys to demand submission from Jiaozhi (Vietnam), but no news came from them. In the winter, the tenth month, his army was close to the border. The king of that state, Trần Nhật Cảnh, arrayed elephants and cavalry on the opposite side of the river, and his infantry was quite numerous. Uryangqadai divided his army into three parts to cross the river. Cecekdu followed the downstream and finished the crossing first. The main body occupied the middle, while the prince consort Huaidu and Aju commanded the rear-guard. Uryangqadai laid down his strategy to Cecekdu: "When your army finished crossing the river, do not immediately engage the enemy, they would certainly come to counter us. The prince consort shall followed closely to cut off their retreat, you would wait until an opportune moment to capture their boats. If the barbarians were broken and routed, they would be captured by us because there were no boats by the river. When Cecekdu's continent had landed on the opposite shore, they immediately engaged the enemy. Cecekdu disobeyed the command, and this led the enemy to safe retreat by boats, despite suffering a big defeat. Uryangqadai was enraged and said: "The vanguard of my army disobeyed me, they would be punished according to the army's discipline." Cecekdu was so scared that he committed suicide by consuming poison. Uryangqadai entered the territory of Giao Chi, and had plans to stay there long-term. The army observed strict discipline and did not engage in pillaging. After seven days, Trần Nhật Cảnh asked to become a subservient state. As such, Uryangqadai arranged a banquet to award the army. After that, his force returned to Yachi city.

8. 戊午,引兵入宋境,其地炎瘴,軍士皆病,遇敵少却,亡軍士四人。阿朮還戰,擒其卒十二人,其援復至,阿朮以三十騎,阿馬禿繼以五十騎擊走之。時兀良合台亦病,將旋師,阿朮戰馬五十匹,夜為禿剌蠻所掠,入告兀良合台曰:「吾馬盡為盜掠去,將何以行?」即分軍搜訪,知有三寨藏馬山顛。阿朮親率將士攀崖而上,破其諸寨,生擒賊酋,盡得前後所盜馬千七百匹,乃屠柙赤城。

In wuniu year (Feb. 5-1258 till Jan. 24-1259), Uryangqadai led his army to enter territory of Song dynasty. This place was rife with disease, and his men were all sick. They made small retreat upon encountering the enemy. Four men in the army died. Aju returned to fight and captured 12 men from the enemy. Their reinforcement arrived and Aju led 30 cavalry while Amatu followed him with 50 cavalrymen. Together they dispelled the enemy and forced them to retreat. At the time, Uryangqadai was already sick and was about to order his army to return. 50 warhorses of Aju was stolen by the Tula Man at night. Aju entered Uryangqadai's tent and informed him: "Our horses were all stolen, what should we do now." Uryangqadai immediately split his men so that they could ask for information. They learned that three fortified settlements hide their horses on the mountain top. Aju personally led his lieutenants and soldiers to mount to the mountain top, attacked the fortified places and captured their chieftains. They eventually took possession of 7000 horses which had been stolen. They massacred the population of Yachi city as a punishment.

9. 憲宗遣使諭旨,約明年正月會軍長沙,乃率四王騎兵三千,蠻、僰萬人,破橫山寨,闢老蒼關,徇宋內地。宋陳兵六萬以俟。遣阿朮與四王潛自間道衝其中堅,大敗之,盡殺其眾。乘勝擊逐,蹴貴州,蹂象州,入靜江府,連破辰、沅二州,直抵潭州城下。潭州出兵二十萬,斷我歸路。兀良合台遣阿朮與大納、玉龍帖木兒軍其前,而自與四王軍其後,夾擊破之。兵自入敵境,轉鬭千里,未嘗敗北。大小十三戰,殺宋兵四十餘萬,擒其將大小三人。其州又遣兵來攻,追至門濠,掩溺殆盡,乃不敢復出。壁城下月餘。時世祖已渡江駐鄂州,遣也里蒙古領兵二千人來援,且加勞問。遂自鄂州之滸黃洲北渡,與大軍合。

Xianzong sent an envoy to carry his edict to Uryangqadai, setting the date for him to join the main force to next year at Changsha. Uryangqadai then commanded four princes with 3000 cavalry and 10,000 Man and Bo ethnic troops to pierce through Hengshan fort, opening the road to Lashang Pass, occupying the territory of Song. Sixty thousand men of Song force arrayed in formation awaiting him. Uryangqadai sent Aju and the four princes to take a middle path to descend upon them, breaking into their most dense center, completely defeating and slaughtering them. Taking advantage of this victory, the army pursued the enemy to Guizhou, completely level Xiangzhou and entered Jinjiang Prefecture, while simultaneously assaulted Chenzhou and Ruanzhou, directly arrived at the walls of Tanzhou. Lanzhou sent off 200,000 troops to cut off our army retreat. Uryangqadai ordered Aju and Dana, Yulongtiemuer (Temur) to lead the vanguard; he himself together with the four princes commanded the rearguard. The two forces formed a pincer attack and broke the enemy. Since the time when our army entered enemy territory, we had marched and fought for a thousand li, yet suffered no defeats. We had engaged both small and great 13 engagements, butchered 400,000 Song troops, taking captive 3 high and low-ranking enemy generals. That prefecture (Tango) continued to send out detachments to attack us, only to be pursued up to Menhao, where almost all of them drowned. Thus they did not dare to dispatch troops anymore. Our force surrounded the city walls for more than 1 month. At the time, Shizu already crossed river and stationed at Ezhou. He sent Yelimenggu with a reinforcement of 2000 men to bolster Uryangqadai's army, while at the same time commend his merits. They then departed Xuhuang of Ezhou to head north and join force with the main army.

10. 庚申,世祖即位。夏四月,兀良合台至上都。後十二年卒,年七十二。子阿朮自有傳。

In gengshen year (Feb.13-1269-June.10-1260, the emperor Shizu (Qublai) ascended the throne. In summer, the fourth month, Uryangqadai arrived at Shangdu (the Upper Capital). Twelve years later, he passed away at 72. His son Aju has a separate biography.

Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 1, 2024


  Tân Nguyên Sử quyển 123: Giả Biệt (Jebe) Truyện (新元史-者別傳•卷123)








Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 1, 2024


 Nguyên Sử quyển 29: Giả Biệt (Jebe) Truyện (蒙兀兒史記-者別傳•卷29)


 Nguyên Sử quyển 119: Bác Nhĩ Hốt Truyện (元史博爾128)











附 塔察兒







 Nguyên Sử quyển 119: Bác Nhĩ Thuật Truyện (元史博爾朮128)






孫 玉昔帖木兒










  1.   兀良合台,初事太祖。時憲宗為皇孫,尚幼,以兀良合台世為功臣家,使護育之。憲宗在潛邸,遂分掌宿衞。歲(乙)〔癸〕巳,[5]領兵從定宗征女真國,破萬奴於遼東。繼從諸王拔都征欽察、兀魯思、阿〔速〕、孛烈兒諸部。[6]丙午,又從拔都討孛烈兒乃、捏迷思部,平之。己酉,定宗崩。...